Visual Timeline: Geoffrey Chaucer

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1340 CE 1350 CE 1360 CE 1370 CE 1380 CE 1390 CE 1400 CE  
1343 CE - 1400 CE: Life of English poet Geoffrey Chaucer.
1356 CE: Chaucer is introduced to court life as page to Elisabeth de Burgh, Countess of Ulster.
1359 CE - 1360 CE: Chaucer is part of military expedition to France, is captured, ransomed by King Edward III.
1360 CE - 1366 CE: Chaucer's whereabouts unknown; possibly on pilgrimage.
1366 CE - 1367 CE: Chaucer is married to Philippa Roet; holds title of esquire and valet of the English court.
1370 CE: Chaucer writes his first major work The Book of the Duchess.
1374 CE - 1386 CE: Chaucer works as controller of customs at London port; writes at least three of his major works.
1378 CE - 1380 CE: Chaucer writes The House of Fame.
1380 CE - 1387 CE: Chaucer writes Anelida and Arcite.
1380 CE - 1382 CE: Chaucer writes The Parliament of Fowls.
1382 CE - 1386 CE: Chaucer writes Troilus and Criseyde.
1386 CE - 1389 CE: Chaucer writes The Legend of Good Women.
1386 CE: Chaucer moves from London to Kent; holds a number of significant positions for the crown.
1388 CE - 1400 CE: Chaucer writes The Canterbury Tales.
1391 CE: Geoffrey Chaucer wrties an explanation of how to use an astrolabe in his Tractatus de Conclusionibus Astrolabii.
1399 CE: Chaucer has moved back to London, is at work on The Canterbury Tales.
1400 CE: Chaucer dies and is buried at Westminster Abbey, the first poet buried in Poet's Corner.
1340 CE 1350 CE 1360 CE 1370 CE 1380 CE 1390 CE