Visual Timeline: Picts

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700 CE 710 CE 720 CE 730 CE 740 CE 750 CE 760 CE 770 CE 780 CE 790 CE 800 CE 810 CE 820 CE 830 CE 840 CE 850 CE 860 CE 870 CE 880 CE 890 CE  
83 CE: The Battle of Mons Graupius in which Agricola defeats Calgacus of the Picts.
112 CE: Hadrian's Wall built as boundary between Roman Britain and Pictland.
142 CE: Antonine Wall built further north as boundary between Romans and Picts.
367 CE: Picts, Scots, Saxons, and Franks attack the Roman Empire.
397 CE: St. Ninian begins conversion of Picts to Christianity.
406 CE - 451 CE: Reign of Drust I, King of the Picts.
410 CE: Romans leave Britain; Picts remain unconquered.
563 CE: St. Columba begins missionary work among the Picts.
670 CE - 706 CE: Reign of Brude Mac Derile, King of the Picts.
685 CE: The Battle of Dun Nechtain; Picts defeat Angle invading force.
710 CE - 724 CE: Nechtan's reign and beginning of religious wars among Picts.
724 CE - 734 CE: Internecine strife between Celtic Christian Picts and Roman Catholic Picts.
734 CE - 761 CE: Picts are united under King Oengus who leads them against the Scots.
780 CE - 820 CE: Reign of Constantin son of Fergus who unites the Scots and the Picts.
820 CE - 834 CE: Reign of Angus son of Fergus who defeats the Angles.
843 CE - 858 CE: Kenneth MacAlpin unites the Picts with the Scots to become the first king of Scotland.
845 CE: Viking raids on Pictish lands increase.
899 CE: Death of Giric, the last King of the Picts.
700 CE 720 CE 740 CE 760 CE 780 CE 800 CE 820 CE 840 CE 860 CE 880 CE